Cm Chord on Piano - (C Minor)
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C minor is built out of the notes C-Eb-G. Globally speaking the minor
chords are considered to be more melancholic in relationship with their major brothers.
You'll know you're supposed to play "C minor" when you'll see this chord symble: Cm.
The Cm chord shares the same mellow and melancholic sound as the other minor chords (I explained this follow when I showed how to play the A Minor Chord.
Why? Because all minor chords are made of a Minor third and a major third on top of it. It's the minor third the gives the chord its melancholic impression. Click here to read about the Musical Intervals if you need a reminder.
We could easily find a Cm chord by ear by placing the 1st finger on C (The root of the chord) then skipping the next white key and going to Eb, then skipping again and placing the 5th finger on G. We did the same when we tried to find the C major Chord.
When you'll press these three notes together you'll hear that famous melancholic sound of the the C minor chord, and a quick view at the musical intervals will approve that you create a minor third (1 1/2 tones) and a major third (2 tone) on top of it.

Inverting the Cm chord into all possible Chord Inversions will help us later to be familiar with the suitable chord inversions in our Piano Tutorials. The possible chord inversions are given in the images of every sepcific tutorial.
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