Ill Be There by Michael Jackson - A Piano Tutorial
Home » Piano Tutorials » Ill Be There by Michael Jackson
When I heard Michael Jackson Passed away I couldn't believe what I'm hearing.
He was the one who created the soundtrack of my youth and is still one of my biggest influences.
I thought it would be only natural to dedicate the next piano tutorial to honour this
brilliant man and musician.
I thought that this song would be very suitable since I love it so much and since it can be played naturally on the piano.
I also really love the version of Mariah Carey singing it so it makes it even better.
There it is, I hope you'd like this piano tutorial.
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The interesting thing about his song is that the chords in the right hand switch chord inversions so it's a great opportunity to practice a smooth changing of chord inversions.
Be certain that you understand how to read slash chords. The letter above the slash tells you which chord to play with the right hand while the lower letter under the slash tells you which bass note to play with the left hand.
Watch the piano tutorial to imitate the way I play the breaks and make sure you count as I do to make it sound convincing.
Also, divide the song to piece (Verse, Chorus, Etc..) and play each part slowly before putting all the part together.
Had fun? Great! You know, there's a way to explore more on how to play piano by chords.
It's great to imitate what you see on a video but you can learn how to form all possible
amazing piano chords and learn to play an enormous amount of different rhythms while
playing popular songs by artists like the Beatles, Adele, Bruno Mars, Leonard Cohen and more.
Check out our complete "Piano by chords" course where you'll go through a journey that combines both piano lessons and piano tutorials that will make you play the piano like a PRO, including courses for beginners, intermediate and advanced players!
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