Free Christian Sheet Music
Keeping Your Focus On Piano Playing
No need for you to read 100+ Piano related e-zines, blogs & feeds -- I do that for you. Piano Playground boils it all down and reports only the important material you need to know.
You are always up-to-date and "noise-free." All the information that has ever been and will be written in this E-zine is documented in the back issues archive.
It's all part of the overall Piano Play It policy... Piano Playground delivers all the information that you need about learning to play the piano, news that relate to us piano players, and information about great products that may be of interest to you. You literally gain tens of hours per week ignoring all the outside noise. Use that time to grow what's important... your piano playing.
Table of Contents
1. Check out our free Christian sheet music for beginners.
2. Brigitte Konoppa and her generous donation.
Articles and Tutorials
1. Beatles Piano Tutorials
2. Heal the World by Michael Jackson (Piano Tutorial)
3. The Full Accompaniment Course (with Musical Interval Piano Tutorial)
4. Musical Triplets
Book of the Month
Pearls From the Forum and PianoTube
Coming Soon...
1. How Does The Piano Work?
We're working hard at the moment to provide you with a clear and detailed page that will show us how the piano works.
It's important for us piano players to know our instrument well and that's why we thought this page is so important. You'll be amazed to see how getting to know the nature of the instrument will help you play better, so this is definitely something to look forward to.
2. Piano Restoration
There are many people who are crazy about antique pianos and their magical charm. The piano restoration article will give us a clue over this gentle art with an insight on how you can restore a piano.
3. "Yesterday" by the Beatles Piano Tutorial.
In the previous E-zine I promised you I'd make a tutorial over Don't Stop Me Now by Queen. I'm still standing for my word and I'll make it soon but before I'd like to finish my Beatles Tutorials and the last one on my list is the amazing ballad "Yesterday" by the Beatles. It's a quite easy song and I can't wait to share it with you and get lots of videos of you playing this song on the Piano Videos Section.
Important Notices
1) Word-Of-Mouth Grows Us All. Please Pay It Forward And Spread the Word.
No matter how you do it, please spread the word... Tell your friends and family, colleagues at work, about Piano Play It. Piano Play It grows purely by word-of-mouth, allowing me to provide you the best piano lessons and piano information, to attract people just like you, and help you become the best piano player you can be.
2) A Special Note For New Piano Play It Arrivers...
Parts of this e-zine may not make sense to you. All it means is that you are not "there yet" in the process of piano playing. So skip those parts. You will re-discover that material later as you progress in piano playing when it's the right time for you, when you are ready to deal with it.
3) Piano Play It Forum is Indispensable
An absolute don't-miss, Click here to view the forum feeds
Click here for more forum info below.
A Few Words by the Author
Prejudice, I Wrote a Song about It...
“When I don't like a piece of music, I make a point of listening to it more closely” ~Florent Schmitt.
Hi guys,
It struck lately that I'm often getting nasty comments over my videos through YouTube and through Piano-Play-It sometimes as well.
They say something like: You're a fag but you can play piano,
or simply: He's gay and other statements of this sort.
Now I didn't keep those remarks online because I thought they weren't relevant and didn't believe they were legitimate but something in me wanted to share my thoughts about it. And don't get me wrong... This article is dealing with music.
Here's a story I had with one of my students. When Danny first came to my piano lesson at the age of 14 he gave me that impression of "Don't mess around with me".
I'm talking about black clothes with a print of a hard rock band.
He had this apathetic look in his eyes saying; I'm here because I have to, and he didn't literally say anything.
I thought to myself... Oh my, This is going to be a hard one.
I tried to have a conversation with him to break the ice but he didn't really co-operate and so I started teaching him piano, working on accompanying rock songs, hoping we would get closer in time.
As time went by I discovered he was a clever boy. I only had to explain everything once and he was right at it. He could play everything I gave him easily but he missed something... He was playing the chords but didn't create an emotion in his playing.
I was a bit afraid, to be honest, to ask him how he feels in my piano lessons. I felt I would break an unwritten rule but I had to go for it. Our lessons started to get heavy since there was a lack of musicality in everything he played.
So I asked him: Danny, you know, you've been coming here every week in the past half year and I feel you're learning fast but you're not putting all your soul into it. I feel there's much more in you. Do you enjoy what we're doing here? Is this what you want?
This is what he said: Well, ever since we started we worked on playing hard rock music. This is nice to begin with but it's not what I came for.
So what did you come here for?
You think I would be able to play Chopin someday? I really like his nocturnes.
And let me tell you this guys... I was amazed. I realized I was completely prejudiced over Danny. His appearance made me believe he's a tough guy and I never even considered teaching him classical music in depth, believing he wouldn't consider it interesting.
Needless to say that our lessons changed their course. Danny is a fantastic piano player today. He expresses himself so clearly when making music.
And me, I make sure to keep my horizons open with my students.
Now think for a moment, how fast do you turn off a song you don't like? When you play a musical piece you don't connect to, do you stick with it or leave it behind?
Studying and listening to music can help us learn about others and about ourselves. Jazz lovers could learn from classical music about the quality of the sound and building a broad musical concept.
Classical players could learn to improvise on the moment and about letting go. Jazz can help you not taking things for granted.
Since we are only able to understand what we're familiar with, we have to be familiar with as much as possible, right?
So if you don't like a piece of music, make a point of listening to it more closely.
You'll learn to express yourself in new ways. Give time for new music, for new people, for new ideas.
In other word... Free Your Mind and the rest will follow...
Maybe then I'll stop getting those unfriendly remarks regarding my gayness and my enthusiastic nature :)
Hope this gave you something to think about.
1. Free Christian Sheet Music for Beginners.
Well, Christmas is now behind us but we decided it would be natural to create free piano Christian piano sheets for beginners that didn't have to do with Christmas.
Ido (Who's been making most of the piano arrangements in Piano Play It) went for it and as always created fantastic arrangements in three levels. You don't wanna miss that one!
I'm talking about songs like: Jesus love me, Count your blessing, Abiding and confiding and many more...
Click here to visit the Free Christian Piano Sheet Music Page.
2. Brigitte Konoppa and her generous donation!
Last week I got an exciting mail from Brigitte Konoppa. Brigitte lives in the Netherlands and has been following my piano lessons for a while now.
As you know, we try to provide you with as much information as we can for free. I spend a lot of time working on Piano-Play-It because I really believe it makes a difference.
Since Ido and I don't make a living out of it we are limited in time and that's why I decided to add the "Donate" button to the Homepage on the right side under our images.
So when Brigitte decided to donate 70 dollars we were both so thankful for her. This means more inspiration for Ido and me to keep working, making piano tutorials and free piano sheets for you guys.
Brigitte, I will also thank you personally the next piano tutorial "Yesterday" by the Beatles.
So guys, you can now donate to Piano-Play-It through clicking on the Donate Button at the homepage on the right side of the screen (Under our images). Know that we appreciate your kind words as well.
1. Two Beatles Piano Tutorials
Our Beatles tutorials get lots of compliments. Since so many of you out there are Beatles fans (Me included) I realiszd I can't fight the stream. So I made two Beatles piano tutorials according to your requests. Both are combined in the Full Accompaniment Course and are great for beginners.
Click here to play the Help Beatles Tutorial
Click here to play the All You Need Is Love Beatles Tutorial
2. Heal The World by Michael Jackson (Piano Tutorial)
Here's another M.J piano tutorial. "Heal the world" has this really interesting groove I wanted to share with you and since this song will never die I thought it would be nice to teach you how to play it.
Click here to play the Heal The World by Michael Jackson Piano Tutorial
3. The Full Accompaniment Course
After the success of the Complete Beginners Piano Course it was only natural to create another course but this time to deal with accompanying pop music on piano.
The full accompaniment course will leave no questions unsolved. You'll learn to from all different chords on the piano and then we'll work on combining a groove while singing the melody the whole time through. If you like my tutorials you're definitely going to like this full accompaniment course.
Click here to go through the Full Piano Accompaniment Course.
I already made one video regarding the musical interval. This is a must piano tutorial that will help you understand how chords are built and why they give a certain musical effect.
Click here to view the Musical Interval Piano Tut.
4. Triplets
Playing musical triplets is about subdividing a half or a quarter note to three equal units instead of two. It might be a little bit confusing at first be if you follow this amazing Triplets lesson written by Ido you'll be amazed how quickly you're going to get down to the bottom of this.
Click here to view the Musical Triplets Lesson.
Many of you have asked me to recommend of great piano method books.
Everyone wishes to find a handy piano beginner book or musical piano pieces for their piano playing level.
Please check the Piano Method Books Page To read about my top 10 Piano Method Books
Today, I'd like to introduce you to the Alfred's Basic Piano Course - Lesson Book Complete Level 1 (1A/1B) Music Book
Complete Level 1 is a faster-paced version of Levels 1A and 1B that gets to staff reading more quickly. Perfect for a student who is 8 or older, or for a younger beginner with great musical aptitude.
I've been working with this book with many of my students. The advantage of this book is that it has pretty musical pieces in it and it is very well organized.
It's nice to have a book with beautiful pictures that explains complex ideas in a simple manner. My students dig this book...
They always browse to the next page to see what's up next and the concept of playing pieces in specific HAND POSITIONS helps them to feel secure on the piano.
So this is my first book for you guys! You can buy it cheaply through for just $8.5 through this link:

Alfred's Basic Piano Course - Lesson Book Complete Level 1 (1A/1B) Music Book
Let me know if you're happy with it!
Scan the "string of pearls" for subjects of interest. Visit those and skip the rest. Don't worry about missing anything if you are pressed for time. We convert pearls of enduring value into articles in the different sections, which we announce in later E-zines.
Wish List & Work in Progress at Piano Play It!
1. Famous Piano Composers
2. Improvisation Lessons
3. Piano Brands Section
Comments? Ideas? Feedback? I'd love to hear from you. Just reply to this e-zine and tell me what you think.
See you next month!
Written by David Yzhaki, M.D.
Founder & Chairman of the Board
© Copyright 2008-2009
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Givataaim P.C 53302
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