How to Form an F Major Chord on the Piano
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Let's try to find F Major based on what we've learned in the previous lesson (Click here to learn how to form the C major chord if you haven't done so yet). Let's have a look!
We're still dealing with the white keys only, just as we did when we found the C Major Chord.
Since we're finding both these chord out of the same group of white keys
only you can say these chord derive from the same family or musical scale.
We'll get to it later :)
Let's place our first finger of our right hands' thumb on F, skip the G note
and press on the A with our third finger.
Then let's skip the B note and press on the C with our fifth finger. So we found
the F major chord just like we found the C major chord in the previous lesson.
Please listen to the F Major chord. Do you recognize the imagination with the C major chord?
The F major chord has actually the same happy or optimistic mood only it is played on
a different place on the piano.
That brings us back to the theoretical level.
If we check the intervals between F and A we'll discover it contain 2 tones again which makes it a Major Third.
The interval between A and C creates a Minor Third, so all together we have a major third and a minor third.

The same intervals created the C major chord.
Now that you know the formula to creating a Major chord you can basically find all the Major chords on the piano since they are built out of the same formula, but let's take it one step at a time.
Let's look for another chord from the white key family.
Search for G major. Can you try to find it on the piano? Click here to see if you got it right.
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