Free Piano Chord Chart of All Minor Chords
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This piano chord chart of all minor chords can be used to check if you succeeded on finding all minor chords on the piano.
The minor chords sound more mellow and moody in comparison with the major chords. All minor chords have the intervals of a small 3rd and a major 3rd.
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Click here for the Free Piano chord Chart of the Minor Chords.
Now that you know how to play the minor chords in the root position there's still a lot to do. You should learn to play chord in the correct chord inversion and then face the biggest problem which is trying to play a song smoothly and to be able to remember all the chord shapes and switch between the different chords fast. The complete process of learning to play piano by chords could be achieved much faster with the help of the Rocket Piano Learning Kit that will help you to train your fingers to automatically remember all the chord shapes, in 1/3 the time!
You'll learn all about how your brain processes information, and how to maximise your piano practice time... (nine out of ten people are absolutely floored by this secret!). Click here to check out the Rocket Piano Learning Kit Now!