The Music Flat Sign
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The video on the flat sign is combined with the sharp sign video.
Click here to watch the combined video.

This is the FLAT SIGN.
If you see a flat sign before a note it means that you have to play the next key to the LEFT, and again it doesn't matter whether it's a black key or a white one.

The next musical piece, Siciliana by Bach, has B flat in the opening phrase.

The same rules apply for the sharp sign and the flat sign.
When a flat (b) note appears before a note,
it applies to that note for the rest of the whole measure.
And if a flat sign appears on a certain note in the KEY SIGNATURE in the beginning of a piece, we'll be flatting the note throughout the whole piece.
Click here to go to the Sharp Sign Page to see some examples of how a sharp/flat sign appears in the key signature, or how we keep a note sharp/flat through out the whole bar when it appeared once in the beginning of the bar.
Now let's play a few pieces with flats.
Pieces with Flats
Mussete by Bach Download
Hallelujah by Handel Download
The Four Seasons by Vivaldi Download
In the next piano lesson we'll learn about the Natural Sign.
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