Nadias Theme Piano Tutorial
Home » Piano Tutorials » Nadias Theme
What and excellent piece for beginners who want to feel they can play the piano in no time... Don't miss that one out! This piece was being composed by Barry Devorzon and Perry Botkin.
I'm taking a different aproach in this piano tutorial. I'm just showing how to play the piece really slow and I hope it will help you. Let me know if you need extra help and I'm sure the piano sheet will help you as well.
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Click here for a printable piano sheet that help you practice the song the way we've played it at the beginning of this piano tutorial.
While playing Nadias theme, the right hand constantly plays chord on each and every beat. The surprising thing I think is the the right hand combine the chords and the melody in a very creative way.
Make sure you also pay attention to how you combine the chords in the right hand with the rhytmic pattern in the bass played with the left hand.
I suggest that before you go throught the groove you first go through all the chords and make sure you know how to play each and every chords in the right chord inversion.