The Once Upon a Dream Piano Tutorial (From the Walt Disney's Sleeping Beauty)
Home » Piano Tutorials » Once Upon a Dream Piano Tutorial
Welcome to another Piano Tutorial from our Disney club. We can't give you Disney tickets but we can help you play your favorite Disney song on piano :)
In this piano tutorial we're going to play the Disney piano music of the Sleeping Beuaty's theme song. While we usually accompany songs in our piano tutorials, in this one we're going to play the melody with the right hand and the accompaniment with the left hand by combining both the bass and the chords.
Once Upon a Dream piano tutorial from Sleeping Beauty by pianoplayit
If you want to follow the Once Upon a Dream piano tutorial freely you should know the names of the piano keys on the keyboard.

During the Part of Your World Piano Tutorial we will limit ourselves to playing all chords within the range of F under middle C and F above middle C with the right hand.
Here are the suitable chord inversions of all chords within the given range.

In this tutorial I first show how to play the melody and then I demonstrate how the accompaniment of the song should be played in three quarters.
Here are the first two bars of the song to visualise how the we combine the bass and the chords in the left hand.
Click here if you haven't signed to Piano Playground, our free E-zine yet make sure you do that in order to get the username and password codes for the free piano tab I provide here under.
Here's a piano free piano tab of Once Upon a Dream to help you practice the song the way we've played in this piano tutorial.

Here's a piano free piano tab to help you practice the song the way we've played in the piano tutorial.