Play Piano by chords - Augmented ChordsIn order to play chords on the piano we have to get familiar with four basic chord types: The major and minor chords, the diminished and the augmented chords. In this page we're gonna talk about the augment chords (If you want to start from the beginning just click here.) In the previous chapter we saw that if we take the major chords and we lower the middle note and the upper note in half a tone we get two intervals of small thirds. That chord is called "A Diminished Chord." But what happens if we create a chord of two major 3rds? ![]() The augmented chords as opposed to the diminished chord has a wide sound. I guess you can call it "spacey". The two major thirds create a tension which is expressed in music differently then in the diminished chords. When you play piano by chords you'll find that the augmented chords have a few functions in music. We're not going to explain them here fully because I'd like us to get to playing piano instead of talking forever. For now you should know that the augmented chords can function as passing chords that provide an extra tension in harmony progressions or to support the melody when it contains the raised fifth note (G# in C augmented). Here's a list of all twelve major chords ![]() And here's a printable version of the augmented chord chart. It's interesting to realize that E augment C augmented and G# augmented contain the same notes. They are actually one chord in different positions. That's because the two major thirds create an inner symmetry whitin an octave. To conclude one can say that we have only for augmented chords in music. C augmented = E augmented = G# augmented C# augmented = F augmented = A augmented D augmented = F# augmented = A# augmented D# augmented = G augmented = B augmented This brings us to our next subject on chord playing, the inversions. Click here to learn about chord inversions. Why should you buy Piano Chords Lessons on Ebay?- On eBay you will find every Piano Chord Lesson from the collection that has ever existed- You know exactly what you're getting (and you know it'll work... ;-)
How To Play Piano by ChordsTHE FAST AND EASY WAY TO LEARN PIANO! The Ultimate Piano by Chords Learning Kit "Your entire site is simply fantastic. I really loved it. Now I am learning the basics of piano by myself, with your really great help. Thank you very much!" Jaime C. from Brazil "I only started to play about six weeks ago but the last hour of watching your videos about chord progressions has been something of a revelation. You're brilliant!!!!" Stephen Roberts from U.S.A "I'm a beginning keyboard player and your video's are an excellent guide. You're absolute not in a hurry, and take time to explain. I'm sure I'll follow all your lessons to get the hang of playing the piano/keyboard!" Wouter E. from the Netherlands "Thanks for all your work ( tuto and others ). You're doing a really great job, You're the best internet teacher I know." Anthony Hassen Cohen from France |
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