Power Piano Chords Review
Click Here To Get Your hands On The Power Piano Chords E-Book!

Price: $39.00
Warranty: 1 Year
Author: Duane Shinn's
Company: Piano-Music-Lessons
The e-book "Secret of Exciting Chords and Chord Progression" is the main component of Piano-Music-Lessons. It is a professionally written book in clear language, and is multimedia based.
The "Power Piano Chords" book contains 39 lessons covering all aspects of learning to play chords on a piano. This is accompanied by equal number of audio lessons (through an internet connection) where you can hear the author explain and illustrate every chord, and progression.
The audio in the Power Piano Chords book is of varied length depending upon the corresponding lesson. On purchasing the program, you also get chord progression newsletter at no extra cost. The bottom of the web site features a list of various music-related article links, and access to latest music news, which is a unique feature of this site.
Pros: The Power Piano Chords e-book coupled with the audio files is very good and effective. The news articles on the home page are also very helpful. Cons: It would have been very refreshing if the Power Piano Chords book were in color. Also, it would have been very helpful if the links to the audio files were also available with the body of the book, instead of only the contents. The Verdict: Though the package contains only the multimedia e-book, and the audio files it much more better and effective in learning piano chords, as compared to other sites. The package is no-nonsense learning material meant for serious students that want to learn chord progression. This is the proven method of gaining insight into not only the piano, but is an easy way to learn various other instruments, and the music in general. The product is excellent, and the price very reasonable for all that it offers. |
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"I have the "Secrets of Exciting Chords" on my desktop and review it every so often. I also printed the pages and bound them together at Staples to practice at my piano. The pictures in the book are very clear and show the exact fingering for the root position and then on my own I work on the first and second inversions of the chords. These 95 pages really help to understand chords and their progressions. Thanks for this wonderful book of chords." |
"Hi! Just wanted to say that I purchased your ebook last night. I'm 49 years old, and I've been playing piano for only 2 years. (I grew up playing guitar). I worked on it until 2:00 am, this morning. (And at 49, I don't stay up that late anymore!!!) My question is this... why didn't I know about this book 2 years ago? I found myself saying... "OH! SO THAT'S WHAT a Maj7 means!) Very much
a Eureka moment... and probably an answer to prayer."