Say something sheet music Sheet Music and Piano Tutorial
Home » Piano Tutorials » The Say something sheet music Sheet Music and Piano Tutorial
Here's a short and great musical piece by a Great big world and Christina Aguilera. Under the piano tutorial I attach in hereI add the say something sheet music which everybody can since it quite an easy song.
A little note. Make sure you play the piece gently and that you fall to the keys smoothly.
The song is in Bm and is being played in 12/8. The best to divide the rhythm is to divide each bar to four groups of three eighth notes each. The song is built mainly out of the same four chords (Bm, G, D and A) while the left have is playing the route and the fifth.
It's important to keep the playing minimal, smooth and quite to have the empty musical effect which make this piece so beautiful.
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Here's the Say something sheet music Sheet Music.
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