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The Ellen Degeneres Song

by Brent Morgan

Here is our song we wrote for Ellen.. We both love her!

We made this song, while trying to go on the Ellen DeGeneres show ourselves and we even got on the news on EHNT.

Here's the link to our moment on T.V:

This is so exciting. Lots of people are supporting us at the moment. It's very cool...

What we basically made is a spoof of a John Mayer song.

Here are the lyrics...

E. L. L. E. "N" Control
D. E. G. E. "N" Frikkin' Credible
E. R. E. S. Thats the rest,
Eh eh eh Ellen Degeneres...

Got style, Got class,
Must say you got a top notch.. (whoooo)
More brains, Than most,
Not your every Talk Show Host,
Blonde Hair, Blue Eyes,
Drive me crazy cuz' Im not your type,
Big heart, Big name,
We love how you Love us not Love fame,

E. L. L. E. "N" Control
D. E. G. E. "N" Frikkin' Credible
E. R. E. S. Thats the rest,
Eh eh eh Ellen Degeneres...

Love how the music stops when you take your seat,
Lovin' how Tony rocks out your favorite beats,
Lovin' everything you do, Every word you speak,
Love episode 1, Love Episode 23

E. L. L. E. "N" Control
D. E. G. E. "N" Frikkin' Credible
E. R. E. S. Thats the rest,
Eh eh eh Ellen Degeneres...

If anyone sees this that has any way of contacting Ellen.. PLEASE let her know about it.. Thank you!!!

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